Sunday, January 30

Eating good, could be better, but always improving.


So far, I've been following Paleo to the best of my abilities. It can be hard with a house full of people who don't really care all that much. Though, my brother is getting on board with Paleo full steam, my mom just doesn't care. Which is tough to watch with her debilitating health and her not letting go of her old ways. Dad is never home, so he eats whatever he pleases out on the road.

From time to time I have my cheats, they do become less frequent as I find more of a groove in the Paleo world. Yesterday was a sushi day, with some boba tea, not to mention a cheese danish (I indulged a little more than usual), but today I've been right back on it. It's becoming much less difficult to bounce back from wild days in nutrition and get on track. Still, I have yet to go long enough to kick this "leaky gut" as Robb Wolf calls it. Fifteen days is a long time... or so it seems. So far, the record is fourteen days. I know, I know... "Why not just go a couple more days???" Don't ask, I'm weak.

Today, we are back on schedule with the Paleo Train. I'm still figuring out this thing as I go. For now, it's just paleo. Once I figure out everything, the workings of food, things of the sort, I'll move to Paleo-Zone and really get it all going.

Six strips of bacon
One egg
Five Pineapple spears
One Kiwi

Could have definitely added veggies there.

One Bell Pepper, stuffed with:
Chicken breast seasoned with garlic powder, chili powder, and pepper
Chicken was wrapped in bacon strips
Baked this in the oven, then placed it on a bed of spinach and topped off with avocado.

Can you see I like bacon? Really, my brother just bought a ton of it, so I'm using it.

Tonight, I'm shooting for another Paleo pizza. Using the almond meal I have left, the rosemary, and olive oil. Going to top it with some chicken sausage link slices and maybe more bacon (stop laughing at me), and some spinach leaves and bell pepper, and whatever else my close to empty fridge decides to cough up (maybe some pineapple slices?).

My first experience with Paleo Pizza (Mmm...)

Let's call this day one of the beginning of another Paleo journey. They get longer every time I hit the reset button, maybe this time I'll make Robb proud. Working on it, guys. Working on it.

On another note, it's rest day for most of us who train at a box, unless you did the CF Endurance WOD today with some of the people from the box I train at (Crossfit East Sacramento), unless you follow the 3-1 on the main site, which, coincidentally, is also a rest day! For those of you resting a bit too much, take on something today. Go run 5k (for time, pick up the slack and don't be a loser. It's still considered a WOD, so go PR), or find a random WOD from another box's site and get down and dirty on it, at the very least, go hit up KStar and do the mobility WOD (that's good for you, like eating you meats). Go here in case you had a brain fart (or are just trying to avoid being a good boy/girl). I plan on trying to improve my double unders today and go hit that rope for thirty minutes (more like the rope hitting me... but you get it). Either way, don't just rest on rest day, be active. Do something like... CONQUERING THE WODEA!

WODea 1/30/2011
Clean and Jerk 135#/95#
Every minute, on the minute squat according to how many minutes you've been working (1 squat the first minute, 2 squats the second minute, etc) until you cannot finish the required amount of squats in one minute or cannot get at least one clean and jerk in before the minute is up.

Post reps to and minutes to comments. Also, feel free to post suggestions on my paleo journey. I could always use the help!

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